There are countless ways to making $100 a day online. First of all, let’s define what $100/day actually means, since most people are headline readers and don’t really dig deep.
Is it $100/day in sales? Profit? Gross revenue? I’ll assume that you want that money to be ‘in your pocket’, so to speak.
So let’s say you want to make $100/day in net income. Depending on where you live, you’ll be taxed between 0% up to 60% (corporate taxes, income taxes, and many others…).
Let’s assume you live in the US and you set up an LLC in which you’re the solo-owner. You’ll be taxed up to 35% approximately.
Note that I’m aware you aren’t looking for tax advice, but this needs to be clarified. Making $100/day in sales without any profit actually costs you time, money and energy. Most people brag about making $1M a year or running a $1M dollar which actually doesn’t mean anything. They could be poorer than the poorest guy you’ve ever known. I’m sure this isn’t what you’re looking for ultimately.
So… based on how much you’ll be taxed (let’s say 35%), you’d need to make $153/day in gross income with your LLC.
Now, how do you do that? Well, it all depends on the industry you pick and how much you’re spending (whether it’s for your marketing, hosting, or whatever it is you need to spend money for in order to generate that income).
Here are some business models though which you can make that happen:
Kindle Publishing & Createspace: Very easy way to make money (it’s actually never easy, but much easier many other business models). Find a hot selling niche, write/outsource a book, buy a $5 cover on, then publish it on KDP/Createspace (eBook/Print), and start marketing the book (you’ll find coutless ressources on Google on how to do that)
Note: You’ll earn royalties by doing that. Royalties - Costs = Gross income
Estimated time to achieve the end result: 1 month to 2 years (variables: talent, hard work, knowledge, etc…)
Note: Sales - Costs of the products you drop ship - Marketing costs - Other costs = Gross income
You can make $100/day in sales in a heartbeat. However, to achieve your end result, it all depends on your margins, your cost per purchase when promoting your products, and your fixed costs (shopify/woocommerce/wordpress, e-mail marketing service provider, etc)
Note 2: Obviously, running a business isn’t just about uploading products and creating ad campaigns. Marketing and sales aren’t even the same thing. At all. But to make $100/day online, if that’s your end goal, then you shouldn’t even worry about building a brand, hiring lots of employees, etc… It all depends on what you want.
Estimated time to achieve the end result: 3 days to 5+ years (knowledge, experience, talent, work are the indisputable variables)
Affiliate marketing: Always the same stuff. Find a hot product (on Clickbank for instance), a product you feel comfortable selling and/or that you love and really believe in (much better). You can also pick an entire category you like and become an Amazon affiliate. In both cases, once you find that product/category, build an awesome website, with awesome content. Become a social media machine, build trust and authority around what you’re trying to promote, and you’re good to go.
Note: A much better way is to actually get results. Example, I could easily become an affiliate and promote online course on how to build a business, become I’ve got the result that can back up what I say and people listen more easily when I say something works.
Estimated time to achieve the end result: 1 day to 10+ years (leverage & online influence, hard work, knowledge and talent are the main variables).
Creating an app: Same old s***. Find a hot niche on the App Store, build an app/outsource the development. Launch your app and start marketing it (Facebook Ads/Instagram Ads/Influencers).
Note: This requires some upfront investment as opposed to the 3 other methods explained above (at least, much more investment). Depending on the app, count at least $800–$1200. There’s no limit to the amount you could spend. The advantage being, nobody’s ever going to buy your Kindle book for $10M, but who knows, someone might actually buy your app for even more.
Estimated time to achieve the end result: 1 month to 10+ years (talent, skills, hard work, experience)
Amazon FBA: Guess how that works? Find a great product that’s selling. Find it 4 times cheaper on Become an ‘Amazon Seller’, ship inventories to their warehouses. Start promoting it to get sales and reviews.
Note: This is harder than all the above. It takes much more time, but the rewards can be huge. Not recommended if you only intend on making $100/day and don’t plan on contuining to grow.
Estimated time to achieve the end result: 4 months to 2+ years (talent, skills, knowledge, patience, etc…)
Overall, as I said there are countless ways to making $100 a day online. It is as much about the industry/business model as it is about the individual who execute on it, innovate on it, and eventually succeed in it or not. Selling eBooks can make you $100 a day. Will it? It depends on you. Selling physical products on Amazon can definitely make you $100 a day. Will it? If you have what it takes, of course! You can really build an empire in affiliate marketing and e-commerce, making $100 a day in a heartbeat. Will you? You know the answer. Up to you.
But remember, as much as there are countless ways to have more freedom and choices in your life by making money, at the same degree there are so many ways not to do it. You can not do it by hoping, or by browsing the Internet looking for that perfect magic formula (looking for information and learning is definitely good, don’t make me wrong). You can not do it by doing anything, or just talking with your buddies. You can not do it long-term by scaming people (actually you can, but this isn’t what I’m preaching).
Last but definitely not least… Why? Why do you want to make $100? And why not? Why not more? Why not $1000 a day? Or why not building an empire generating millions of dollars that make $100 a day for thousands of people?
You have to know what you want. If you want some more money at the end of the month instead of having more months at the end of the money, then fine. If you want to build an empire that has a real impact, change the world, and create legacy, then fine. Do that.
Always make sure you know what you actually want, why you want it, and how to get there. The rant isn’t a happy Quora answer ending or some motivational pump. Everything I’ve written is a roadmap to get from point A to point B. How to get from $0 to $100 in net income. But without a vision and a purpose, a roadmap is just a worthless piece of paper.
Hope you enjoyed reading this. Wish you luck.
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